Sunday, May 17, 2020

Adolescent Depression in the U.S. Essay - 1598 Words

Everyday, teenagers have a routine. They usually get up, go to school, and come home. Each of these activities are filled with many complex issues, stress related problems, and pressure. These issues can lead to depression. Every 1 teenager out of 5 will develop a type of depression (Jones 1). â€Å"Adolescent depression is a disease that affects the psyche in a way that the person affected with it will act and react abnormally toward others and themselves† (Blackman 2). About 19 million Americans are diagnosed with some sort of depression. 9 million of them are adolescents (Jones 1). Suicide is affiliated with depression greatly. 15% of all adolescents who are diagnosed with depression commit suicide (Jones 1). â€Å"Since 1995, suicide is†¦show more content†¦Teenagers are faced with many difficult decisions, not only I school, but in normal life. Making important decisions can cause stress. In 1986, a study was done of Minnesota high school students. Re sults show that 39% of the students who were stressed suffer from mild depression. Many things cause stress. A breakup with a boy/girl friend, increased arguments with parents, trouble with brother or sister, change in parents financial status, serious illness or injury of family member, or the leading cause, trouble with classmates, or grades. All of these events are centered at the places an adolescent’s life usually take place, home and school. When a teenaged girl was asked, â€Å"Do you feel stressed out over homework†? The answer was, â€Å"Yes, I think about what homework I have the whole car ride home from school†(An Interview). The need to fit in is a major factor to adolescent depression. When children move towards adolescence, they become more involved with their peers. This is when teens begin to â€Å"discover† the world. This is when peer pressure comes into place. Not all peer pressure can be bad. Some can be pressuring others to do positive things with their lives. When parents hear about the peer pressure going on, they have an automatic reaction to it. â€Å"An automatic reaction can actually put negative pressure on their own child†(Peer Pressure and it’s effect on Teens 1). A teenagerShow MoreRelatedDepresion in Adolescents is Becoming and Epidemic Essay1040 Words   |  5 Pageschildren watch on television. To the contrary, adolescents today feel less safe, less inspired and less hopeful than ever before. It is not surprising then that depression is a common concomitant to adolescent development (Tharper, Collishaw, Pine, 2012). According to the National Institu te of Mental Health, approximately one in five adolescents between the ages of nine and twenty four is clinically depressed and more than twenty percent of adolescents will have experienced a major depressive episodeRead MoreDepression And Its Effects On Adolescent Depression1290 Words   |  6 PagesDepression is an issue facing a large amount of people today. 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